March 5

24 Bootcamp Training Ideas


I've got 24 Bootcamp training ideas I'd love you to try. 

This weeks Workout Design Club update includes 24 Bootcamp training ideas that you can use to stand out agaist the competition... And wow your clients. 

From fun warm up games, creative circuit training routines and epic team challenges, this weeks update has a killer selection of Bootcamp training ideas. 

You can access todays ideas over in The Workout Design Club

24 Bootcamp Training Ideas That Will Wow Your Clients And Help You Stand Out

This weeks update is packed full of unique bootcamp ideas, fun warm up games, circuit training ideas and a selection of awesome bootcamp exercises. 

Bootcamp training ideas
bootcamp training ideas

In this 21-minute fat shredder, I take HIIT training to the next level by adding a fun twist. It’s literally a duel to the finish and one of my favourite bootcamp training ideas.  

bootcamp games

In this suspense filled HIIT circuit you’ll hear moans of despair and sighs of relief as players attempt to complete a simple 8 station circuit once through. With a twist at every corner anything can happen, good and bad.

circuit training ideas

This is the same fitness test I had to complete in Commando training for the British military. Are your clients up for the challenge? You’ll soon find out. 

bootcamp workouts

In this 25-minute bootcamp partner workout, you’ll learn a secret workout hack that will motivate your clients to work much harder and get better fitness results. You can create lot's of different cardio bootcamp ideas using this workout drill. 

unique bootcamp workouts

45 Minutes of pure madness. In this ninja style HIIT workout, I combine HIIT training with circuit training in a unique way nobody has ever seen. It’s the ultimate calorie burn I guarantee will leave your clients feeling fulfilled.

unique bootcamp workouts

In this frustratingly fun team game, players are on a mission to HIIT zero. Only 1 player can win in this knockout style challenge. Another of of my favourite bootcamp training ideas.

boot camp ideas

Your clients will be impressed with what you can do with a pack of playing cards. In this exciting team game (AKA the elimination game), teams hope to gain the favour of the joker whilst destroying the battle card. It’s awesome.

unique bootcamp ideas

In this fun 20-minute warm up drill that slowly builds in intensity, each player is the star of the show and they don’t even know it. Now you can start your warm ups in a fun way.

HIIT training

I won’t lie, this is probably the hardest 34-minute partner challenges you’ll ever put your clients through. However, it’s designed in such a way that each player can work at an intensity that is right for them. It’s up to you to help them push the pace.

bootcamp workout ideas

The ultimate finisher drill (+template). Set over 4 rounds and with 5 unique activities, players attempt to cram as much work in as possible. It’s a fun workout that will finish any session on a high. You can create lot's of bootcamp training ideas with this concept. 

My Top 3 Bootcamp Training
Ideas From This Week

Here are my top 3 bootcamp training ideas this week. I love them all but I like to choose my favourites so you can try them first. 

In this series of fun bootcamp training ideas, teams are given a unique task to chip away on. Each player must work hard to give their team the best chance of winning. It’s team work at its finest.

bootcamp training ideas and fitness games

In this fun 30-minute challenge (designed to improve muscular strength endurance and cardiovascular conditioning) players work in teams to complete a huge work load that eventually leads them to a surprise finale. 

fun warm up games

Have your clients got what it takes to complete the dreaded Clockwork Beast? Dubbed the ultimate 45-minute fitness test set over 12 incremental rounds, players will have to dig deep to complete the challenge in time.

12 Bootcamp Training Ideas - Last Weeks Deigns

Each week I design 12 fun bootcamp ideas. Last weeks contains variety of bootcamp circuit ideas, bootcamp challenge ideas, cardio bootcamp ideas, fun team games and fitness tests. 

bootcamp training ideas
bootcamp ideas

In this tough 10-minute team game, players gamble their hard earned winnings at the casino royal. It’s any body’s game. Design 100's of fun bootcamp training ideas with this unique training concept. 

bootcamp training ideas

A fun 15 minute warm up drill designed to put your group in the right mood, so they attack the rest of your session with a smile on their face. Just plug in your favourite bootcamp exercise ideas and away you go. 

circuit training workouts

I love the burpees exercise which is why I created this killer burpees challenge. It’s a team effort in this very demanding (beat the trainer style) cardiovascular conditioning drill. There’s a huge incentive to succeed, and a cheeky forfeit for losing. 

fun warm up games

Isometric exercises are great for strengthening the muscles, the problem is they’re a bit boring. In this fun 11-minute fitness challenge based around isometrics, players will have to dig deep if they want to cross the finish line.

unique bootcamp ideas

In this fun 35-minute circuit training workout, players cast votes for their favourite bootcamp exercises. However, the real test comes at the grand finale which is determined by the groups past actions.

bootcamp games

Sprint interval training a great way to get your clients working super hard whilst having fun. The teams goal is simple. Deflect a pending forfeit back on to the trainer. If they can bond together and make up the extra ground they might succeed.

circuit training routines

Designed to develop muscular strength endurance and cardiovascular endurance, this Interval Accumulator is the ultimate fat burning drill. With staggered rest periods and fixed work rates, this crazy tough workout will add a different type of variety to your sessions.

My Top 3 Bootcamp Training
Ideas From Last Week

Each week I pick my top 3 bootcamp training ideas. Don't get me wrong. They are all fantastic bootcamp ideas but I like to pick of my favourites so you can test them first.

You can find all of my weekly designs and workout updates over in the Workout Design Club. The WDC is a group fitness search engine designed to save you time and stress.  You'll see exactly the type of workouts that help attract clients, and keep clients. 

fitness games

A series of mini races just for fun. This is going to get lots of laughs and your clients smiling. Use it to create fun warm games or a finisher drills. It’s a winner every time.

AMRAP workouts

What do you get when you cross a triple circuit training workout with a triple EMOM? The EMOM speed circuit of course. In this strength/HIIT circuit, players take on a massive test of bravely as they smash their way through 3 rounds of hell. If they love a fitness challenge they will love this.

boot camp workouts

Designed to create a massive EPOC effect and burn an insane number of calories, this epic circuit training workout is pure cardio conditioning dynamite. There are many ways to mix things up in this template based workout.

unique bootcamp workouts

This is the most effective way to programme an AMRAP for results. Once you see the way I do it, you’ll never go back to the transitional AMRAP format ever again. This is a real skills booster that most trainers don't know about.

Gain Access To These Cool Bootcamp Training Ideas?

If you're a Workout Design Club member this weekly update is free. If you're not yet one of 100's of members click here to become a member to access these fresh bootcamp drills and workout challenges. 

Unique Bootcamp Workouts Weekly Round Up

I have some exciting news and I could use your help. About 18 months ago a young Spanish trainer converted an old garage in to a fitness studio in the next village across. I'm in the village of Alcaucín - Spain

Unfortunately he didn't have a clue what he was doing and the place is now up for rent. Although the population of the surrounding villages is very low, I think I could make it work.

My thoughts are to keep it very simple with body transformation circuits using my own bootcamp training ideas from the Workout Design Club.

I have my own ideas how to go about this, but I'd like to pick your brains.

Q 1: What advice can you give me about opening a studio?

Q2: What equipment have you found works best?

Q3: If you have a studio, do you rent the space out when you're not using it?

Reply in the comments below.

Bootcamp Training Ideas Using A Slam Ball

12 Group Fitness Class Ideas and bootcamp drills

I love my 15k slam ball and It's my most used piece of fitness equipment. The bootcamp training ideas I can create with this thing are limitless. Here's one such drill that created and completed. It was really hard work 

Title: Cardio Devil

Time: 20 Minutes

Method: Complete slams and burpees for 1 minute each x 10 rounds without stopping.

And here's a bodyweight finisher for desert. 

Title: Iron Legs

Hold the squat position for 60 seconds then complete

squat jumps for 30 seconds x 3 rounds.

Want More Bootcamp Training Ideas?

Welcome to the Group Fitness Search Engine which gives you the power to whip up incredible group workouts fast. Hit play and take the members area tour. 

bootcamp ideas

The bootcamp ideas you use with your clients have the power to attract new members through word of mouth and seriously boost your retention.

If you can bang out consistently amazing bootcamp workouts then you'll be light years ahead of your competition.

The only problem is. Where do you find enough unique bootcamp ideas and group fitness class ideas to keep your clients entertained.

The truth is, you can spend your spare time searching the internet for very average ideas. Or you could join the Workout Design Club.

If you're a member this update is free. If you're not yet one of 100's of members, hit the link below and sign up.

Click Here To Become A Member




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